Minors may not be around guns with blanks or any explosives.

Minors cannot use squibs – blood packs.

Minors may not come in close proximity to moving machinery, building or construction work of any kind.

Minors may not work in close proximity to explosives or functioning parts of unguarded and dangerous moving equipment, aircraft or vessels, or functioning blades or propellers.

Stunts and Hazardous Conditions:

1. If a minor is asked to perform any activity that seems hazardous or questionable, the minor is entitled to have the activity performed by a qualified stunt person.

2. It should never be the sole decision of the producer, director, stunt supervisor or any crew member that any activity is safe enough for the child to perform. The Studio Teacher will determine whether or not the child is in danger or uncomfortable and make the decision to proceed or stop.

3. It is the minor’s parent’s primary and most important responsibility to ensure the safety of their child. The Studio Teacher is on set to enforce all safety laws pertaining to minors.

4. The minor or the minor’s parents always has the right to refuse to perform any activity that might be hazardous to the minor, either physically or emotionally.

5. If the minor believes the situation is dangerous or is fearful (whether real or imagined) the minor cannot be required to perform. The minor should communicate any fears or concerns to the Studio Teacher.

6. Parent and minors should be acquainted with on-set Medics and first aid personnel (required on all SAG productions) upon arrival on set.

7. Outdoor shoots often require long periods of time in the elements. Parents should guard minors against dehydration, hypothermia and overexposure to the sun. Parents should not hesitate to contact Studio Teacher immediately if the minor is too wet, too cold or too tired.

8. If minor has any allergies, it is important to let the Studio Teacher and production know. There could be a scene where food needs to be eaten, rental costumes may be worn, flame retardant may be applied to clothes or skin, or there is exposure to insects or allergins.

8. Parents should consider the impact of physically or emotionally difficult actions on their child’s well being. Only the parent knows what their child can tolerate and therefore MUST ensure their safety and welfare.

The Industry Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee periodically issues Safety Bulletins that deal with various safety issues. Parents may view these bulletins at

Special Procedures for Minors Performing Physical Activities

When a minor is asked to perform physical, athletic or acrobatic activity of an extraordinary nature, the minor’s parent or guardian shall first be advised of the activity and shall represent that the minor is fully capable of performing the activity. Producer will comply with reasonable requests for equipment that may be needed for safety reasons.
(SAG Agreement)
No minor shall be required to work in a situation which places the child in clear and present danger to life or limb. If a minor believes he/she would be in such danger, the parent or guardian may have the teacher and/or stunt coordinator, if either or both are present, discuss the situation with the minor. If the minor persists in his/her belief, regardless of its validity, the minor shall not be required to perform in such situation.
(SAG Agreement)

SAFETY BULLETINSThe following are safety bulletins of special note, selected from the collection of bulletins issued by the industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee, consisting of representatives from the motion picture industry unions and guilds and AMPTP companies. The Committee meets throughout the year for the purpose of updating the existing bulletins and adding further bulletins.
Copies of the complete set of safety bulletins may be obtained from the Contract Services Administration Trust Fund (CSATF) located at 14144 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks, Ca. 91423, tel. (818) 995-0900.

This web page contains the Safety Bulletins which have been formulated and distributed to date by the industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee for the motion picture and television industry. New bulletins will be issued.
Everyone in this industry has legal and moral responsibilities for safety which should not be taken lightly. The guidelines in this publication resulted from many hours of research, evaluation and discussion. The members of the committee and all those who contributed to its work devoted considerable thought and effort to the project because of the importance of the subject.
The Safety Bulletins contain the recommendations of the Committee which are to be used as guidelines only, NOT as binding regulations. Adjustments will have to be made as circumstances warrant, for the safety or the persons on the set or location. In the final analysis, the guideline central to all of the Bulletins issued by the Committee is-stop and think, and then use good common sense.
You and all of your colleagues need to know, understand, and think about recommendations and guidelines set forth in these Safety Bulletins.The responsibility for safety is not something which can be Shifted around it belongs to each of us.



  • SAFETY BULLETIN No. 3 – Helicopter Safety Procedures
  • SAFETY BULLETIN No. 4 – Communications Regarding Stunts
  • SAFETY BULLETIN No. 6 – Animal Handling Rules
  • SAFETY BULLETIN No. 8 – Guideline for Traditional Camera Cars
  • SAFETY BULLETIN No. 10 – Smoke Inhalation Guidelines
  • SAFETY BULLETIN No. 17 – Water Hazards

Safety Bulletin No. 3
Helicopter Safety Procedures

  1. Communication between ground and air shall be established at all times during operation of the helicopter using one ground contact.
  2. The individual attached to the helicopter support truck shall be designated as the person to supervise safety around the helicopter.
  3. No smoking within 50 feet of the helicopter
  4. Unless you are needed-remain at least 50 feet away from helicopter.
  5. Exercise extreme caution when working around helicopter, especially when helicopter engine is running. Leave and approach the helicopter from the front–with caution. At all times keep your eyes and head forward.
  6. Avoid rear and tail sections of helicopter at all times
  7. Never walk under tail section of helicopter.
  8. Do not extend any equipment vertically into rotor blades-such as cameras, lights, sound booms, etc.
  9. Carry all equipment parallel to ground within 50 feet of helicopter.
  10. Pilots are the authorities concerning all helicopter operations-if you have any questions, ask them.
  11. Never under any circumstances throw anything such as grip tape, clothing, paper, etc., around the helicopter-whether it is running or not.
  12. The landing area should be cleared of debris and, where necessary, wet down.
    Protect your eyes as well as equipment when helicopter is landing and taking off.
  13. Plot plans and graphics will be prepared to locate landing area, intended flight paths, designated emergency landing sites, and location, as well as types, of explosives or squibs. 16. The pilot in command will have final approval as to aerial traverse and hovering positions of the aircraft.

Safety Bulletin No. 4
Communications Regarding Stunts

  1. The performances of all stunts or hazards shall be preceded by a meeting on the site of the event with all people concerned.
  2. This meeting should include a “walk-thru” or “dry-run” with the stunt man and/or effects people and all of the persons involved in the event.An understanding of the intended action, possible deviations, and authority to abort should be made clear.
  3. Following the above and before rolling cameras, should any substantive change become necessary, the Director will again call all persons involved in the stunt, to another meeting to confirm everyone’s under standing and agreement to said change(s).
  4. It is recognized that there can be unforeseen or unique situations which might require on-site judgment differing from these guidelines, and such judgment may have to be made in the interests of the safety of cast and crew.

Safety Bulletin No. 6
Animal Handling Rules

  1. The safety of working animals and the persons working on such productions shall be of primary concern.
  2. Only qualified professional trainers and/or wranglers should be allowed to work with animals on productions.
  3. Notice shall be given prior to shooting, on the call sheet, that animals are working. A “closed set” notice should be posted on all stages where animals are working, and every effort should be made to maintain a closed set where animals are working on location.
  4. The trainer or person supplying the animal shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary inoculations, permits, applicable licenses, and medical safeguards.
  5. An easily accessible area shall be available for loading and unloading animals.
  6. An opportunity shall be given to the trainer to address the cast and crew (including the parent and/or guardian of any children on the set) regarding safety precautions while animals are on the set (i. e., maintain a safe distance from wild and exotic animals, no personal pets, no feeding, no running, escape routes, etc.). In the opinion of some trainers, the presence of a female in a menstrual period may cause a reaction from animals such as large cats. The trainer should be consulted in that regard.
  7. The procedures for dealing with live ammunition previously issued by the industry-Wide Labor-Management Safety Committee shall be observed. The level of ammunition loads and explosives should be determined in consultation with the trainer and/or wrangler and the firearms expert.
  8. Tranquilization or sedation of performing animals should be accomplished only where circumstances warrant upon advice of the trainer and, where warranted, a qualified veterinarian.
    • Some animals should never be sedated, such as reptiles.
    • Tranquilizers should not be used for the purpose of “calming” performing animals. A tranquilized animal is unpredictable.
    • As a safety backup, consideration should be given to the availability of tranquilizing equipment. Potentially dangerous or complicated animal action should warrant the presence of a qualified veterinarian.
  9. Equipment operated in conjunction with working animals should be in a safe operating condition as determined by the trainer and/or wrangler in conjunction with the property master. Basic animal safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, fire hoses and nets should be readily available. Under no circumstances should horse falls be accomplished by tripping or pitfalls.
  10. All hitch rails shall be fastened in the ground in such a manner that the tugging of a frightened horse cannot pull it loose (i. e., sleeve installation). On a stage, hitch rails will be bolted or fastened in a rigid manner. Scenery and props should be secured. Objects (i. e., ladders, pedestals, etc.) that easily tip over can startle the animals. Horses being used on a production shall be properly shed for the working surface (e. g., borium, rubber shoes, etc.).
  11. Extreme caution should be taken when using exotic, venomous reptiles. The proper antidote (anti-venom) should be selected depending on the type of reptile. Location of the antidote shall be predetermined and printed on the call sheet.
  12. The smell of alcohol has a disquieting effect on animals. All precautions shall be taken in that regard when animals are working.
  13. The producer shall notify the American Humane Association prior to the commencement of any work involving an animal or animals… script scenes shall be made available. Representatives of the American Humane Association may be present at any time during the filming.
  14. There should be two handlers for each large, undomesticated animal, such as a large cat or carnivore (mountain lion or larger)

Safety Bulletin No. 8
Guideline for Traditional Camera Cars

  1. A Traditional Camera Car shall be a vehicle that is specifically engineered for the mounting of cameras and other equipment for the primary purpose of photography from a stationary or moving vehicle.
  2. A camera car shall be safety checked before and after use on a minimum of a daily basis by qualified, experienced personnel – specifically, brakes, tires, electrical system, and towing equipment.
  3. All rigging of equipment shall be done in a safe manner by qualified, experienced personnel.
  4. A Traditional Camera Car used for night filming shall be provided with two portable tail lights which will be affixed to the towed vehicle to provide rear lighting in cases where said vehicle’s lights are not operative.
  5. Maximum passenger allowances – Operation of Traditional Camera Cars Transporting Production Personnel: All involved personnel should be made aware that, as mandated by the California Administrative Code: The number of employees “…transported on vehicles…. shall never exceed a number which may endanger the safe handling of the vehicle…”Accordingly, the Industry Subcommittee to Investigate Safety Aspects of Insert Camera Cars herewith recommends the following maximum be applied when transporting personnel by Insert Camera Cars (during rehearsal and principal photography sequences): number should never exceed nine (9) including the driver. In addition, it is strongly recommended that any person not directly needed for actual shot sequence NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE VEHICLE AT ALL.
  6. Equipment not essential to the shots in progress shall not be transported on the Insert Cars.
  7. Communications regarding Traditional Cars shall be preceded by a meeting on the site of the event with all people concerned.
    This meeting should include a “walk-thru” or “dry-run” with the driver and all of the persons involved in the event. An understanding of the intended action, possible deviations, and authority to abort should be made clear.
    Following the above and before rolling cameras, should any substantive change become necessary, the Director will again call all persons involved in the shot to another meeting to confirm everyone’s under- standing and agreement to said change(s).
  8. Rear towing-no personnel not being photographed shall be on towbar or exterior of towed vehicle. This does not include towed camera platforms such as trailers designed for said work.
  9. It shall be mandatory that a copy of these rules be in the glove box of the vehicle at all times.
  10. It is recognized that there can be unforeseen or unique situations which might require on-site judgment differing from these guidelines. Such judgment may have to be made in the interest of the safety of cast and crew.

Safety Bulletin No. 10
Smoke Inhalation Guidelines

  1. When creating smoke on any set, Producer(s) will utilize the minimum concentration necessary to achieve the desired effect.
  2. When smoke is created on an interior set, the stage shall be periodically ventilated or exhausted, vertically and laterally, or all personnel and animals shall be given a break away from the stage at appropriate intervals.
  3. When creating smoke on interior sets, Producer(s) shall provide and encourage the use of an appropriate type of respirator which restricts mist to 0.05 PEL (permissible exposure level). The nature of the smoke, dust, etc., will determine the type of respirator to be used. When created smoke is utilized on any interior set, all non-essential personnel shall be excluded from the set. Whenever possible, personnel shall be vacated from all dressing rooms located on the stage. School rooms located on the stage shall be vacated.
  4. When utilizing smoke on an interior set on location, Producer(s) shall provide means to exhaust or ventilate the set.
  5. When creating a fire on an exterior location, Producer(s) shall exercise all reasonable precautions to prevent fire and smoke inhalation, and Producer(s) shall make respirators available upon request. Such respirators shall be of a quality to deal with exterior smoke.
  6. When smoke is scheduled to be created on any set, prior notification as to use and type shall be given to all personnel and, whenever possible,the call sheet shall state thatsmoke is to be used. The person responsible for providing respirators shall be designated.

Safety Bulletin No. 17
Water Hazards

  1. The following procedures are recommended for all water work, including: ponds, rivers, lakes, swamps, bogs, oceans, pools, and tanks, or any other unduly wet work environment.
  2. Smaller, controlled ponds located within studio property should be kept drained. The pond should be filled immediately prior to production use, then drained again once production is completed.
  3. Larger, controlled ponds located inside studio property should have a sample of water laboratory-tested with written results available to production staff no later than 48 hours prior to production use. If test results reveal various levels of impurities or contaminants, necessary’ steps to eliminate the potential hazard will be taken. A second, independent laboratory test should then be made with results made available to the producer no later than 24 hours prior to production use.
  4. When location filming is contemplated in still water areas such as swamps, bogs, or ponds, the Producer shall determine (by independent laboratory tests) pollution or contaminant content, if any, and take necessary precautions to remove same.
    NOTE: When it is determined that a polluted and/or contaminated water site is hazardous, the hazards shall be neutralized or the site shall be avoided.
    Extreme care should be taken regard existence of snakes and other poisonous reptiles. An attempt should be made to rid the body of water of such reptiles prior to production use.
  5. When filming on a river is contemplated, the Producer shall obtain all available knowledge from local authorities as to currents, natural hazards, upstream configurations such as dams, waste disposal sites, chemical plant dumping sites, flash flood dangers, etc., prior to actual filming. If a safety hazard is found to exist, the Producer shall take precautions to minimize or eliminate the risk or relocate the shooting site
  6. When necessary for personnel to work in fast-moving rivers, downstream safety equipment such as ropes and/or nets shall be provided. Pickup personnel shall be stationed for emergency rescue.
  7. When filming on a lake is contemplated, the Producer should contact local authorities to determine if any known hazards such as sub- surface objects, underwater life or contaminants exist. If a safety hazard is found to exist, the Producer shall take precautions to minimize or eliminate the risk or relocate the shooting site.
  8. Where boating traffic is anticipated, all precautions including those mandated by the appropriate authorities will be enforced.
  9. All personnel scheduled for water work shall be notified in advance.
  10. All personnel working in or around water shall have the ability to swim and/or appropriate water safety devices shall be provided.
  11. Water temperatures shall be taken into consideration, especially during the colder seasons or when production companies are shooting at distant and/or upper elevations.
    NOTE: This is imperative due to the very real possibility of “hyperthermia,” a lowering of the internal body temperature caused by being immersed in cold running water for extended periods of time. Hypothermia can be fatal.
  12. All foreign objects which are potentially hazardous other than those required for pictorial needs should either be removed or identified and marked.
  13. All personnel should be advised to keep all potential contaminants away from the water, including: paints, thinners, repellents, gasoline, oils, etc.
  14. Post-immersion washing facilities shall be made available to all water use sites and their use enforced.
  15. No electrical source other than DC shall be utilized for production use in or at close proximity to water, including: ponds, rivers, lakes, swamps, bogs, and/or oceans.